Pre-Check Barn

Pre-Check Credit Form - No Social Security Number needed (thus no credit score impact)
Self Employed Welcome - Low & No-Doc Options - Minimal Down Payments & Many Extended Terms Choices (oac)
With the basic information below we can generally get a preliminary approval within 24-49 hours to move forward on your aircraft transaction.  More information will be necessary prior to final approval & actual closing, but this can give a pretty good idea without any impact to your credit. Today, most people already know their FICO (credit) score.  If you need to obtain one there are several free sources where you can run your own credit.  
We have provided some links below for your convenience.  
Credit Score Resources: Comparison site:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a preliminary credit evaluation form to determine which lender (of approximately 11) is best suited to your particular borrowing request.  Aircraft loans are subject to final credit approval and the lender's valuation as to the aircraft loan value. You are cautioned not to incur any non-recoverable expenses or make any firm or binding commitment until you receive final credit approval and loan terms directly from the lender.  Should you have any questions, please contact our office.

Please take a moment to complete this short-form credit profile for  preliminary loan approval for your airplane of choice.  No social needed and no credit pull on  your credit.  24-48 hour approvals!

Use the loan approval, even if you wind up buying a plane elsewhere - We're always here to help.

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Yes - Mortgage
Yes - Free/Clear
No - I rent
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Utilizing our friendly and experienced In-House underwriting team, we can select from the best of our 11 lenders we represent to provide the fastest loan approval process, making it easy to step into the airplane of your choice, often without years of tax returns and volumes of intrusive documentation, so often associated with today's aircraft loans (in-short, we make it easy).

Working directly with the right lender to expedite the approval process (usually 2-3 days rather than 10-15 with others – we have back channel access to all lenders we work with 7 days a week)

Financing with lower than normal down payments and historically providing the lowest interest rates and best terms for our clients.

The ability to shop multiple finance markets to provide you not only the very best rates and terms and lowest down payments, but the quickest service as well.

When others can’t we usually CAN accommodate; Self Employed, Entrepreneurial Endeavors, No and Low Doc Loans, and Past Credit Issues (so long as not chronic) We can also work with No, Late or Understated Tax Returns.  Give us a no obligation try today.

Call or Text Stan today at: 702-801-0966 cell/text

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